
PDF3D ReportGenソフトウェア

PDF3D ReportGen入力インターフェース一覧


フォーマット 拡張子 概要
Additive Manufacturing Format amf 3D Printing industry consortium format alternative to STL
AutoCAD Export DWF Format dwf AutoCAD Inventor, AutoCAD Mechanical, Visual Representations
AutoCAD Generic DXF Format dxf AutoCAD historic versions, Survey, Geophysics, Modelling
AutoCAD Native DWG Format dwg AutoCAD Mechanical, Civil, Inventor, Parts, Colours, Widely Used
Bentley-Intergraph Microstation DGN Format dgn Microstation related applications
IGES 3D Model Interchange igs, iges Industry Interoperability Model Exchange, CAD Applications
Industry Foundation Classes IFC ifc BIM, AEC, Subset support, AutoCAD, Revit, Inventor, Civil
Movie.BYU Geometry Format byu Historic FEA Mesh Geometry Interchange
Polygon File Format Stanford ply Surface, Line & Point Open Academic and Research
PRC Product Representation Compact Format prc ISO 14739-1 3D Model used in 3D PDF context as interactive view
STEP AP214 3D Model Interchange stp, step Industry Interoperability Model Exchange, PLM, CAD Applications
Stereolithography ASCII Multi-part File Format stla CAD-CAM, 3D Printing, Triangle Mesh Surfaces, Geometry Only
Stereolithography Binary File Format stlb CAD-CAM, 3D Printing, Single Triangle Mesh, Geometry
Stereolithography STL File Format w/Color stl 3D Printing, Triangle Geometry, Scanners, CAD, Materialise Magics
U3D Universal 3D Interchange Format u3d ECMA 363 used in 3D PDF context as interactive view


フォーマット 拡張子 概要
AVS/Express UCD Format inp Advanced Visual Systems Proprietary, Unstructured Mesh & Attributes
COMSOL Simulation Results Format dat, txt, mphtxt COMSOL Proprietary Mesh & Result Plot Output Format
Protein Data Bank Molecular Format pdb Chemistry, Research, Academic, well established database
VTK PolyData Format vtp Visualization Toolkit polygon surface data, science,
VTK Model File Format vtk Visualization Toolkit mesh, element, multi-attribute 2D & 3D data


フォーマット 拡張子 概要
Flash Animations or Movie clips swf Video, Movie, Animation, Creative Suite, MacroMedia, Adobe
Raster Image Files png, jpg, tif, bmp Universal standard image file formats, monochrome, color, alpha


フォーマット 拡張子 概要
ArcGIS Geospatial Grid Format asc ArcGIS Proprietary ASCII Grid Raster Elevation Data
ESRI ArcGIS Geospatial Vector Shapes shp ArcGIS Proprietary ShapeFile for Vector Features, 2D or
GeoTIFF Geospatial Image and Grid Data Format tif, tiff Well-known TIFF image with additional Geographic coordinates included
GeoVRML Geospatial Format wrl, vrml VRML97 extended to include geographic coordinate systems, ArcScene
IMAGINE Multi-Channel Image or Elevation Grids img Hexagon Geospatial raster format for image and attribute data
KML Geospatial Vector Features kml XML based mark-up for geospatial features, ArcGIS, Google Earth
LAS Well Log (Subset) las Oil industry well log, complex borehole data, simple subset
LiDAR LAS File Format v1,2,3 las Point Cloud Industry Interchange Format, Space, Airborne & Terrestrial
LiDAR LAZ Compressed Format laz Very good compressed optimization option for LAS data
Point Cloud Formats csv, pts, 3D points, ASCII, from LiDAR, Laser, point sample systems
Point Cloud with Color or attribute xyzrgb, stzi 3D points, ASCII with intensity or full RGB Color per point
PROJ Geographic Projection Format proj Geographic coordinate mapping data to place corresponding models
e57 Point Cloud format e57 3D points, Binary optional full RGB Color per point
Autodesk ReCAP RCS/RCP point cloud format rcs, rcp 3D points, Binary with optional full RGB Color per point
Surfer Grid Format grd Surfer from Golden Software Proprietary raster elevation grid data
Surfer Colormap Format clr Surfer from Golden Software Proprietary color classification files
USGS DEM Geospatial Grid File Format dem Elevation grid data for terrains, bathymetry, raster data
World Geographic Coordinate File jpw, pgw, tfw Geographic coordinate mapping data to place corresponding images
ZMapPlus Geospatial Grid Field Format dat Earth Science Subsurface Horizon Data, ZYCOR, Historic Data Exchange
IRAP Classic Grid Format IFGR ifgr Earth Science Subsurface Horizon Data from IRAP
Label File Format (x,y,z,label-text) CSV lbl 3D coordinate location and label text string in CSV format


フォーマット 拡張子 概要
3D GameStudio 3DGS Format mdl Gamestudio Development & Authoring Application for
3D GameStudio 3DGS Terrain Format hmp Gamestudio Development Application Terrain Landscape
3D Studio MAX Format 3ds Widely used 3D graphics exchange, 3D Studio Max, AutoCAD, Textures
3ds Max ASE Format ase AutoDesk 3DS Max Proprietary 3D Model Format (subset)
AC3D Inivis Format ac AC3D Proprietary Model Creation and Editing 3D Format
Blender 3D Format blend Blender CAD Application Design Native 3D Model Format
BlitzBasic 3D Format b3b Interactive Game & Scene Environment System
Collada COLLAborative Design Activity Format dae Industry interchange rich 3D graphics, 3DS Max, Maya, Sketchup, Textures
Design Workshop Database dw AEC DesignWorkshop 3D modeling program for architectural design
DirectX 3D Model Format x Microsoft DirectX Graphics 3D Model Geometry
DirectX X Format x Microsoft DirectX Graphics Generic Data
Doom 3 Format md5 Interactive Game Proprietary Scenes
FBX Graphics Format fbx AutoDesk binary 3D Graphics Format with optional embedded textures
Irricht Mesh Format irrmesh Static Game Mesh similar to Collada
Irricht Scene Format irr Interactive Game Scene Export format
IVE OpenSceneGraph File Format ive OpenSceneGraph Framework Scene Format, version
Nendo Format ndo Proprietary 3D modeling and 3D painting package from
LightWave Object Format lwo LightWave Proprietary 3D Models with Materials, Texture
LightWave Scene Format lws LightWave Proprietary Scenes
Milkshape 3D Format ms3d Shareware low-polygon 3D modeling Application by Mete Ciragan
Modo Format lxo Proprietary Luxology Game System Scene File
Neutral File Format nnf RayTrace Program 3D Polygon Format
OSG Extendable ASCII Format osgt OpenSceneGraph Framework Scene Format, open
OSG Extendable Binary Format osgb OpenSceneGraph Framework Scene Format, open
OSG Extendable XML Format osgx OpenSceneGraph Framework Scene Format, open
OSG Native Format osg OpenSceneGraph Framework Scene Format, with Textures
OSGTGZ Compressed Format osgtgz OpenSceneGraph Framework Scene Format, open
Object File Format off Simple Surface Polygon Unstructured 3D ASCII format
Ogre Graphics Engine XML Format xml Open Source Game Rendering Engine 3D Model Format
OpenFlight Format flt Real-time Visual Simulation Scenes with Texture
OpenInventor 2.1 Compressed Format iv.gz Industry neutral interchange 3D graphics, similar to VRML, Textures
OpenInventor 2.1 Format iv Industry neutral interchange 3D graphics, similar to VRML, Textures
PDF Portable Document Format Template or 3D pdf ISO-32000 PDF Standard, with 3D Annotations, U3D or PRC
PovRAY Raw Format raw Triangular facet 3D geometry POV Ray Tracer
Quake I Format mdl Interactive Game Proprietary Scenes, Historic
Quake II Format md2 Interactive Game Proprietary Scenes, Historic
Quake III Map/BSP pk3 Interactive Game Proprietary Scenes - maps, textures
Quake III Mesh Format md3 Interactive Game Proprietary Scenes, geometry, meshes
Quick3D Format q3s Proprietary Quick3D File Converter Application Native
Return to Castle Wolfenstein Format mdc Interactive Game Proprietary 3D Format
Sense8 WorldToolKit Format nff Historic ASCII 3D Format from 1990s
Starcraft II M3 Format m3 Proprietary Game Application 3D Actor Models
Terragen Terrain Format ter 3D Landscape Terrain Tile Format from Planetside Software
TrueSpace Format cob, scn Proprietary 3D Graphics Application from Caligary
Unreal Game Format 3d Proprietary Game Engine 3D Model Format
VRML Compressed Format wrz, vrml.gz Very Widely used 3D graphics exchange VRML97 Standard, v1.0 or 2.0
VRML Uncompressed Format wrl, vrml Very Widely used 3D graphics exchange, ArcScene, Pro/E, Textures
Valve Model Format smd,vta StudioMDL Proprietary Game Development ASCII 3D Model Format
VOXLER 2-4, Scene format iv Voxler Application from Golden Software 3D Scene Export(SGI version)
Wavefront Object Format obj Widely used 3D graphics exchange, 3DS Max, AutoCAD, Maya, Textures
XGL, ZGL Graphics Format xgl, zgl Aveva Plant 3D Scene Export, Inventor, Graphics dump
X3D Graphics Format x3d eXtensible 3D Graphics Format (XML variant of VRML97)